Apr 21, Ya-Ling J. Liou, DC: Every Body’s Guide to Everyday Pain – Emotional Pro

April 21st, 2016

Apr 21, Ya-Ling J. Liou, DC: Every Body’s Guide to Everyday Pain

Dr Ya-Ling LiouEvery Body’s Everyday Pain: I’ve been hosting and broadcasting Full Power Living since 2004—that’s 12 full years come June. It’s fascinating how topics come in “waves” for this show. “Pain” is a current topic. This week, we have a very practical approach to very common vexations—those little pains we tend to put up with, hoping they will go away. Often, instead, they last a EveryBodysGuidetoEverydayPainBookCover-200x300 lifetime, growing larger with the passage of time. Take charge! Catch them early. Send them on their way. We’ve asked Ya-Ling Liou, DC, to tell us what she has learned and what we can do. We look forward to sharing her with you! Dr. Liou comes to help us return to a pain-free everyday life. With an emphasis on uncovering new ways to pay attention to our body, Dr. Liou looks at our familiar everyday aches and pains—the ones for which we pop an otc pill, telling us how to keep these aches and pains from turning into a lifetime of discomfort. We’ll be discussing the body’s mechanically, chemically and emotionally-caused pains, along with what you can do about them. She will help us develop our ability to listen to the clues our body is giving, so we can navigate changes, loss, and stressful times, cooperating with our body, so we come through life’s challenges more easily. Click here to visit Dr. Liou’s website!

Apr 14, May McCarthy: The Path to Wealth – Emotional Pro

April 18th, 2016

Apr 14, May McCarthy: The Path to Wealth 

May McCarthyMany people are suggesting that to live affirmatively in the future, we must simplify, downsize, and tighten our belts. How is that working for you? If you’d still like to experiencebook wealth, while also following a spiritual path that honors life, nature and our Earth, you must
listen to May McCarthy this month! After taking on your CSO—your new partner—May will tell us how to conduct a seven-step process to bring us to wealth, including new behaviors and dropping old beliefs. She’s talking with us this Thursday. Remember, you can talk with her personally, getting answers to the questions you really want for yourself.

Downsizing and Belt-tightening…or Wealth? I love the way this reads…..”simple methods that lead to success” offered by “multimillionaire entrepreneur, philanthropist, and angel investor May McCarthy.” It’s what we’re offering you when May McCarthy comes to Full Power Living to share her Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? Click here to visit May McCarthy’s website!


Apr 7, Dr Toni Luisa Rivera: How to Listen to Your Body’s Whispers – Emotional Pro

April 7th, 2016

Apr 7, Dr Toni Luisa Rivera: How to Listen to Your Body’s Whispers

Toni RiveraLarry Dossy, MD, author of One Mind, says there is an unquenchable healing potential that is inherent in everyone. Dr. Toni Rivera’s account of how she uncovered deeply hidden pain in herself, using her body’s messages to heal her own life, is what we’re discussing on this week’s show. Dr. Toni shares her own journey of becoming able to allow her injury to transform into gifts she offers the world. She also gives exercises that can allow you to discover your own wisdom and healing. Instead of continuing to suffer from early childhood emotional pains (that may now be revealed through physical pain), discover how to transform those pains into effective living!

How to Move from Injury to Insight: Prior to the age of three, I was not well cared for by my young mother, living alone with two little girls during World War II.  My sister and I roamed our Fort Worth, Texas, neighborhood, often hungry, unwashed and unclothed. Because of this poor care, when he returned from the Pacific Theater in 1946, our single-father won legal custody of two little girls. What kinds of emotions, scars and impact does such experience have on the formation of the adults those kids grow into? Even more importantly, what do we need to do to heal from those things so we can have productive and satisfying lives? In many cases, how do we even know such things occurred, so we know to look for the emotional damage we have experienced? Toni Luisa Rivera uncovered wounds from her less-than-four-year-old self. She’s telling us how she found them, worked with them and healed them. Then, she’s sharing how we can do the same for ourselves. I’ve healed most of my early wounds, I think. I’m eager to find out how to heal more! Click here to visit Dr. Toni Luisa Rivera’s website!

Mar 31, Carolyn Hobbs: Forgiveness – Emotional Pro

April 1st, 2016

 Carolyn HobbsWhat is one of THE most important things you can do in your life? Practice Forgiveness! When you make a mistake, do you immediately forgive yourself? Do you easily and freely forgive your partner, your child or Joy Carolyn Hobbsteenager, your parents, your abuser, your boss or co-worker? Can you free yourself to see that we’re all doing the best we can….and “let go” of your expectations and emotional reactions, so you and the “offending person” are both free to go on with your lives? What if countries practiced forgiveness? Carolyn Hobbs, exploring the powers of our Wise Heart, talks forgiveness with me and you. Call in, ask questions on our chats.

Ready to Let the “Other Person” Off the Hook? As a child, several people injured me deeply. I was angry for many years. UNTIL I learned about Forgiveness. I had held onto anger, believing I was not going to let those people “off the hook.” What I learned is that those “other people” had probably long-forgotten what I was still stewing about. The person who was really on the hook was me! I was paying the price of both having had the negative experiences, AND the many negative consequences that accrue to each of us when we hold onto anger! My “perps” were literally getting me twice! Find out how all of this works when I talk with Carolyn Hobbs on the 31st, about Forgiveness. Click here to visit Carolyn Hobbs’ website!

Mar 24, Lisa Caza: From Survivor to Thrivor – Emotional Pro

March 24th, 2016

Lisa CazaSurviving long-term domestic violence does not usually position a person to have a really wonderful life. With the help of her spirit guides and the Divine, my guest, Lisa Caza, rebuilt herself and was able to connect with her wonderful life partner, thus Finding Paradise After the Storm. Lisa shares profound divine insight, guidance, and lessons learned throughout her journey in helping guide you towards finding your own successful love relationship. There is a relationship paradise waiting for you—if you want it! Lisa has been a professional clairvoyant medium for 20 years. Ask your questions—on our chat and/or via toll-free telephone.

Have you reached paradise after experiencing ongoing trauma? My guest this week is a marvelous example of what can be done, in our “Giant School” called Earth, when we apply ourselves and the tools we have been given. Even if you are involved in domestic violence for years, she demonstrates for us, you can still get out of the situation, out from under the emotional baggage, and out into the world to connect with your dreams (or dream person!). As a survivor of domestic violence myself—and although I agree it is possible–I can tell you this is no small feat. I’m looking forward to what Lisa has to say. Click here to visit Lisa Caza’s website!

Mar 17, Gabrielle V Taylor: Legacy of Wisdom – Emotional Pro

March 19th, 2016

gabrielle V TaylorOn this show, we’re looking at what the word “wisdom” truly represents, how individuals develop it, and how we pass it on. Looking at a profound relationship between a grandmother and her Layout 1granddaughter, our guest examines how the legacy of wisdom is passed through the generations. “Wisdom,” says Gabrielle Taylor, “is an empowering gift to pass on, because it allows any individual, any one of us, to figure out life’s intricacies and solve problems on our own.” What a great way to examine the legacy of wisdom passed to you, and the legacy of wisdom you are passing on to the younger people in your life. Come to listen, ask your questions, increase your wisdom!

How Is Wisdom Really Developed? As I get older and interact with my now young-adult grandchildren, I’m noticing the interesting tension that develops over “knowing things.” As a woman in my 70’s, I’m sure I have wisdom that will benefit the grandchildren and am anxious to share with them. They, on the other hand, are busy developing their own lives. And their lives are full of technology, ways of interacting and connecting, and experiences shared with age mates that I know little about. Who really “knows” anything? Do I “know” because of all my experience and length of life (even though there is a LOT about technology I do not know)? Or, do my grandchildren “know,” because they are part of a technological explosion that gives information at one’s fingertips (even though there is a lot of life they have not yet lived)? And when we “know,” is that wisdom? Join me on the 17th to search for answers. Click here to visit Gabrielle V. Taylor’s website!


Mar 10, Pamela Lenehan: My Mother, My Mentor – Emotional Pro

March 12th, 2016

Pamela F LenehanCan Children Thrive When Raised by Working Moms? Because mothers used to stay at home to raise the kids, we’ve compared our lives “backwards” when thinking about what happens with My Mother My Mentor Bookchildren when their mothers work. By looking at what adult children of working moms actually report, we can look the other direction and conclude that there are many benefits to having a working mom. We can also look at how moms can best approach bringing work and family together. And we can throw “working mother guilt” in the trash!

70 percent of mothers in the U.S. with children under age 18 are working. Even so, 60 percent of adults surveyed think children do better when one parent stays home. Curious about this, Pamela Lenehan created a groundbreaking survey of more than a thousand people ages 23-44 about their childhood. She interviewed working mothers and their grown children. Now she’s appearing on Full Power Living to assure us that working mothers who integrate profession and family are benefiting their children. Together, let us count the ways…

Click here to visit Pamela Lenehan’s website, “My Mother, My Mentor”!

Mar 3, Russell Friedman: Grief Recovery for Children – Emotional Pro

March 5th, 2016

Russell FriedmanWhen you were a child, did you have as many opportunities as today’s child to know about loss—through death, moving, divorce and pet loss? Most of my contemporaries lived in their same safe home, in the same safe neighborhood, going to the same safe when_children_grieve1schools as their friends. They did not hear frequently about school shootings, Syrian refugee children washing ashore at the beach, get shot sleeping in their own beds, or know about imported pet snacks killing thousands of pets. Most adults don’t know much about grieving for their own losses. Russell Friedman and his colleagues have stepped in to give a process for adults who want to help children grieve their losses, even if we’re not good at it now, nor whether the child’s loss is personal or global. Russell is the go-to grief-recovery expert for CNN, available to you on Full Power Living for a more personal visit.

Fred Rogers, producer/host of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, reminds us that “There isn’t anyone in life who hasn’t experienced some kind of loss.” How that loss is dealt with determines whether we move on in healthy ways, or whether we get stuck, emotionally, or even develop PTSD. When grief strikes, it’s enough to deal with our own. Often we experience grief at the same time as our children. What a blessing to have a guide to help us assist the children in our lives with their grief. Listen and learn from this compassionate, knowledgeable and wise man. Click here to visit Russell Friedman’s website!


Feb 25, Itai Ivtzan "Awareness is Freedom: Psychology & Spirituality" – Emotional Pro

February 25th, 2016

Itai-Portrait-1-e1427127606585For the past 45 years, I have been integrating Spiritual Principles into my work with people in my psychotherapy practice. This approach has proven to be powerful, incisive, effective and lasting in the changes achieved. In his book, Awareness Is Freedom, Ital Ivtzan includes recent scientific research, and then helps all of us to see how Psychology and Spirituality work together to create lasting and amazing Awareness is Freedomchange. I’m looking forward to learning from him.

According to Ital Ivtzan, there is a meeting point between Psychology and Spirituality, as well as an Interdependence that is important. Claiming that “every aspect of my professional and personal life reflects the marriage between psychology and spirituality,” Ivtzan wrote his book in order to share this marriage with the world. From years of teaching classes, offering courses and leading retreats, he has learned the effectiveness of his approach, as people repeatedly tell him that what he has shared has changed their life. Have your own life-changing experience with Ital when he talks with me on Full Power Living.

Click here to visit Itai Ivtzan’s website!


Feb 18, Arlene Weintraub: Vital Role of Dogs in Finding/Healing Cancer – Emotional Pro

February 20th, 2016

Some dogs possess the remarkable ability to sniff out early stage cancerous tumors, “diagnosing” the illness in someone they love. Dogs also suffer many of the same cancers we humans suffer, such as breast cancer and FinalHealCover-191x300lymphoma. Dogs, then, may possess some very important keys in helping us all detect, and heal cancer—in themselves and in their human companions. Arlene Weintraub shares her research, her personal journey, and her appreciation of how man’s best friend participates in finding and healing cancer.

Dogs and humans are unique, says author Dr. Jeffrey Masson, in trusting their young with each other—across species lines! Dogs also, it turns out, share their lethal illnesses with humans. Wonderfully, we can help each other. I’m excited to hear some of the ways Arlene Weintraub has discovered dogs help humans detect and learn to heal cancer. Click here to visit Arlene Weintraub’s website!