Apr 28, Yol Swan: The Indigo Journals – Emotional Pro
April 28th, 2016
Apr 28, Yol Swan: The Indigo Journals
Are You a “Square Peg” Trying to Fit Into a Round Hole? If you’ve never heard about “Indigos,” it’s time you did. Especially if you are one yourself, but haven’t yet discovered it. Yol Swan has 12 traits to share with us. You likely will recognize your sensitive, nature-loving, alienated-feeling self as we talk about these traits. Since Swan is an Indigo Adult herself, she’s also going to be sharing how to put yourself more at ease, and heal yourself spiritually. After this show, you’ll still be a “Square Peg”, but you’ll likely stop trying so hard to fit yourself into round holes! Instead, you’ll allow yourself to be who you really are, and go forward with your mission.
Yol Swan says that Indigo adults are feminine souls with certain masculine qualities. They often feel out of place in their families, and in this world. It is when they embrace themselves as Indigo adults that they can live the lives they have come to lead, as well as help the people, animals and world they came to help. Yol, herself an Indigo adult, has identified a dozen “traits held in common” for Indigo adults. Knowing these traits will help Indigo adults, and others who may have connections with Indigo adults, yet not always understand their concerns and behaviors. We can also increase our ability to empathize with very sensitive souls who can also behave as warriors. If you’re not yet familiar with the “Indigos” and their mission, you’ll certainly want to hear this show! Click here to visit Yol Swan’s website!