Archive for the 'Life' Category
What goes on in the mind of a person who feels they cannot go on? This is the territory my guest takes us into this week, as I interview Adele Royce. Her book, The Little Black Book of Suicide Notes, is designed to be the first of a trilogy on this normally taboo topic, sharing…
Ilene in Death, Emotions, Everyday Life, Family, Fear, Grief, Health, Joy, Life, Love, Men, Seniors, Women
Now that I’m 74, I’ve had a chance to observe a lot in life. I remember when women first joined Corporate America, they took on pant suits and masculine behaviors in order to fit in and develop a sense of power that enabled them to work there. In those days, “kindness” would not be something…
Tags: Kindness
Ilene in Business, Emotions, Everyday Life, Life
Feb 9, Acharya Shunya: Demystifying Ayurveda for Health Lifestyle Wisdom to Optimize Health, Prevent Disease, Develop Vitality. In the mid-80’s I traveled in Europe for a few weeks with a friend who was in his 70’s. Almost daily, he complained to me: “Just don’t get older. Every year you get older, it takes longer to get…
Ilene in Emotions, Everyday Life, Health, Life
Want to Have A Life After Making a Living? As you know, my husband, Bob, died in early 2016. I was 73. What to do with the rest of my life? My decision was to surge forward. I became aware that after 53 years of adult living, I was responsible for—and beholden to—no one but myself.…
Ilene in Emotions, Everyday Life, Family, Health, Life, Men, Money, Parenting, Seniors, Women
Jan 26, Kim Knight, Bullying: Lifelong Consequences & 3 Steps Out! Bullying: Lifelong Consequences & 3 Steps Out! Years ago I met a woman from New Zealand online. She was working with emotions in ways that intrigued me. We began corresponding. When she came to the US for training, she stayed with me and my…
Ilene in Children, Emotions, Everyday Life, Family, Health, Life, Men, Parenting, Psychology, Women
Start with Your Emotions; Live Life from Inside, Out. Most people live their lives from “Outside, In.” We talk about “what happens” to us, what others “do” to us, how others “make us feel.” We get concerned about how we look on the outside, what others think of us, and how we are doing in the…
Ilene in Emotions, Everyday Life, Family, Health, Life, Love, Parenting, Spirit, Spirituality
Dec 15, Arlene Gale: Face Forward, Move Forward Move Past the Pain of Experience by Becoming Non-resistant! Recently someone commented to me that I must have had a very difficult time this year, emotionally speaking, because of the upheaval and change I experienced. When I replied that it really hasn’t been bad, he said: “Oh, come…
Ilene in Emotional Health, Emotions, Everyday Life, Family, Fear, Health, Life, Parenting, Sadness
You Mean I’m Not “Right Brain” or “Left Brain”? Opening Remarks: Oh, no! Another perfectly good belief that has allowed us to understand and work with ourselves for many years needs to be tossed! Instead, we apparently maintain our brains like a well-working two-party legislative system: We collaborate “across the aisle” between the two hemispheres! Find out how…
Ilene in Animals, Brain, Children, Emotions, Everyday Life, Family, Freedom, Health, Life, Men, Parenting, Psychology, Science, Women
What Do You “Take” for Dashed Expectations? Getting off the roller coaster of “ups” and “downs” with our emotions is a challenging task for us humans. Add to that the idea that we largely do this to ourselves, and it can be even more challenging and frustrating! It just might come down to a matter of how we learned…
Ilene in Brain, Emotions, Everyday Life, Life, Psychology
Want to End Toxic Anxiety Forever? As my husband, Bob, wound his way through his struggle with cancer, worry and anxiety were his biggest enemies. With a wife who is a psychotherapist, close friends and care givers who were warm-hearted, experienced and spiritually-oriented, we all tried to help him move past worry and anxiety. We wanted him…
Ilene in Anxiety, Emotions, Health, Life
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