July 30, Dr. Eric Pearl: The Reconnection – Emotional Pro

July 30th, 2015

Eric PearlIn his book, The Reconnection, Chiropractor Dr. Eric Pearl shares the development of his ability to effect profound healings with people, by “re-connecting” with our innate ability to contact, know and work with, the profound intelligent force most often called “universal intelligence.” Not only will we be talking about how it works, we’ll also be discussing how you can work with it for yourself! Dr. Pearl appeared on Dr. Oz, who was flabbergasted at Books_Homepage_pic-2x52wgfd2q6l5byi9ejke8what Pearl was able to do. Dr. Pearl appeared on Full Power Living two years ago, too, and has made many advances in his approach since that time. Come “catch up” on one of the powerful ways we humans are creating rapid and powerful transformation.

Two years ago, I had the pleasure and opportunity to take Dr. Pearl’s introductory class, watching him accomplish healing with people in ways I had never imagined. I was even able to do it myself. As a person who has been interested in energy and energy flow for close to half a century, I was amazed at how easily he connected with a person’s energy and changed or positively affected its flow. He was working with higher intelligence, did not need to control every aspect of what was happening, and was achieving amazing results. I can’t wait to hear what he’s been learning and doing since he and I last “met”. Click here to visit Dr. Eric Pearl’s website.

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