August 28, Lee McCormick: Spirit Recovery Medicine Bag – Emotional Pro

September 4th, 2014

Lee McCormick

Lee McCormick is a man who has made great lemonade from the lemons in his life! He found his own way back from addiction and co-dependent relationships, then founded two well-respected recovery centers to help others do the same. Drawing on Native Spirit Recovery Medicine BagAmerican and shamanistic traditions, Eastern practices, universal spiritual pathways, and a medicine bag of other heart-opening methodologies, Lee and his co-author, Mary Faulkner, give people the tools to rediscover their truth, release their stories, and live authentically, in their work and now in their book,.Spirit Recovery Medicine Bag. They appear to encourage us all to step away from addictive compulsive behaviors that hold us back from experiencing , real happiness and joy. Join me to enjoy Lee–a musician, cowboy, recovery specialist, motivational speaker, spiritual workshop leader, and film creator—as he tells us how he confronted his own demons and gives us tools to confront our own.

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