Can I Kiss You? and The Date Safe Project with Mike Domitrz – Emotional Pro

August 10th, 2006

8/10/2006 Thursday 9am to 10am Pacific Time
As a result of the rape of Mike’s sister when he was a young college student, Mike’s attention was focused on the issue of respectful, consensual dating and sex for young people. Finding that there were no programs educating our youth on this topic, he created some, and has become a world authority on consent and sexual assault, and author, Speaker, and Executive Director of The Date Safe Project. As our students head off to college, this is a timely discussion of a very important concern.
Segment 1: Nonverbal Cues in Dating Open the Door to Assault
Mike tells us why making the “moves” until you reach “no” or “stop” means that we have placed all the responsibility for becoming intimate on the person who is being touched. Domitz talk about the importance of addressing with the young people we love the issue of “Do You Ask?” Why “no means no” is limited, and what we need to ADD to these popular campus programs.
Segment 2: Dating and Issues of Power
Not only do we want to save our young adults from sexual assault (an issue of power, not sexuality), we also want them to have open, caring, communicative and positive experiences as they move into adult intimacy and sexuality. No matter what the level of intrusion, as someone attempts to get close without direct communication, it can feel like an assault. Mike is crusading to change generations of behavior and beliefs, with the end result of happier, safer dating and relationships, which he does through the DateSafe Project.
Segment 3: Teaching the Skills
Even if your children are young, you can talk with them about “proper” and “improper” touching, about improbably events in tv shows and movies, and straightforwardly and positively about their bodies. Mike reminds us there is no 100% prevention, EXCEPT for the person who is doing the touching. That’s the person we need to reach with new beliefs and new skills. Mike is a person who has remarkable skills for reaching young people and works tirelessly to help your children and mine to stay safe in the dating world, as well as to change the parameters for dating behaviors so everyone stays safe!

One Response to “Can I Kiss You? and The Date Safe Project with Mike Domitrz – Emotional Pro”

  1. Etiketer says:

    Thanks! Really interesting. I wish i could spend my time on writing articles…just have no time for it.

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