Parent-Teacher Communication – Emotional Pro

January 25th, 2005

Sam Horn reveals communication techniques that set parents and teachers up to get along better as they work together to educate America’s children. Dr. Richard Gross discusses the problems and stresses on parents and teachers and reveals philosophy underlying successful interactions. A wonderful interplay of these two stimulating minds, who understand this issue from the point of view of both educators and parents.

Segment 1

What’s pressuring teachers/students/administrators and parents today; and how does this pressure affect our ability to communicate with one another? This question is answered by both Dr. Dick Gross and Sam Horn, along with communication tools that will automatically alleviate tension and promote positive interactions.

Segment 2

Responsibility and respect in conflicts and difficult situations–specific ways to move toward collaboration rather than conflict. Importance of focusing on desired behavior, on specific behaviors or learning, and exploring questions instead of making accusations. Dr. Richard Gross and Sam Horn discuss together these potentially explosive issues between home and school.

Segment 3
Solutions for successful communication between home and school. Listening tricks. Using "but" or "and." The importance of "approachable environments" maintained by schools and administrators. The value of direct and immediate communication. Paring down commitments as a way of reducing the burden of stress.

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