More on The Biology of Belief with Dr. Bruce Lipton – Emotional Pro

October 15th, 2006

10/5/2006 Thursday 9am to 10am Pacific Time
Through study of cellular biology, interlaced with Quantum Physics and Fractyl Geometry, Dr. Lipton has created a scientific picture that has launched epigenetics, the New Biology. The New Biology counters neo-Darwinism, saying that genes do not determine life or the course of life, but our internal “environment” does–our nutrition, our beliefs, our thoughts and our emotions. What can this tell us about what we can do in our world to change its current course? In this show, we ask this question of Dr. Lipton. You may be amazed at the answer.
Segment 1: Your Subconscious Mind Is A Supercomputer
Genes are potential; our mind is the programmer. Dr. Lipton talks about what new brain research is telling us about our mind and its capacities. You’ll be amazed at what he says happens when you open your morning paper! Your subconscious sees the details of life and draws you to them, depending upon your intent and your beliefs. Is violence “inbred” or “learned” from our culture. Hear Dr. Lipton tells us what some Baboons tell us!
Segment 2: Early Events Shape Our Lives, Even Pre-Birth
Hear how Dr. Lipton answers our caller, June, when she inquires about several generations of Bipolar Disorder in her family. Does his explanation lead us to return to old wive’s tales that stress shielding pregnant mothers from negativity? Positive thoughts and beliefs help us; hear his description of the power of negative beliefs and thoughts.
Segment 3: The Central Voice of Individuals and Societies Dr.
Lipton is teaming up with a previous FPL guest, Steve Bhaerman (aka Swami Beyondananda) to write a new book. He tells us about their treatment of our search for peace and tranquility, and what the cells and their cooperative abilities have to teach us? He talks about how we are, literally, moving from the “age of the reptilian brain” to the “age of the mammal brain,” and why so much falling apart in the world is leaving him optimistic!

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