The Biology of Belief with Dr.Bruce Lipton – Emotional Pro

September 21st, 2006

9/21/2006 Thursday 9am to 10am Pacific Time
Dr. Bruce Lipton is an internationally-recognized authority in bridging science with spirit. He has examined principles of quantum physics and how they might be integrated into what we know about our cell’s information-processing systems. His discoveries presaged one of today’s most important fields of study, the science of epigenetics, which involves defining the molecular pathways connecting the mind and body.
Segment 1: Your Genes Are Connected to Your….Mind
Bruce discusses the shift scientists are now in the process of making, from neo-Darwinian belief that genes determine the course and health of one’s life, to the New Biology concept that our Mind is our “central voice.” This leads to personal responsibility, which he clarifies as “personal responsibility once you become aware that you are personally responsible.”
Segment 2: Your Subconscious is a Tape Player–Change the Tapes!
Our bodies are described as a “community of 50 trillion cells,” coordinated by “environmental factors” such as nutrition and belief, thoughts and emotions. What, in your Mind, actually directs the genes? Beliefs, most of which were slipped in to our subconscious brain, where they continue to direct our attention and behavior unless they are recognized and changed! What does it take for a person to make deep change (of their “tapes”)that isn’t reliant on willpower (which is very difficult to utilize)? Lipton approaches beliefs and emotion in new ways.
Segment 3: We Inherit Our Beliefs–Do We Want to Keep Them?
Bruce Lipton’s work has created a foundation for a new area of scientific inquiry, epigenetics. This line of inquiry has led Lipton to consider “Conscious Parenting,” which involves parental consciousness of what is being placed into the subconscious of our children. This affects what we think we can, or cannot, do, affecting personal empowerment, success, relationships and every area of adult life. Hear this intriguing discussion!

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