Native American Spirituality in Parenting – Emotional Pro

February 1st, 2005

Laura Ramirez’s parenting approach is distinguished by being based in the spiritual philosophies of Native American beliefs. This program allows Laura to elucidate the various beliefs and show how they function in everyday parenting. With the tale of Coyote and Beaver, Ramirez illustrates “good medicine,” the concept of parenting according to the true perceived nature of our children. Laura talks about “intergeneration evolution,” “dreaming yourself awake” and the Native American focus on life’s circles.

Segment 1
Listen to the fascinating tale of Coyote and Beaver, which helps you understand the concept of “good medicine” in raising children. How and why to give your child a Spiritual Name, and how to hold a Vision for your child’s adult life that is based on respect and deep knowing.

Segment 2
What is meant by “dreaming yourself awake?” All about claiming Mother Earth and understanding why parenting is a privilege and a growth-producer for parents.

Segment 3
Give your family a Code of Honor, develop Circles of Love and Influence (based on the Native American paradigm of the circle) and teach your children (and yourself) to be a “Humane Human Being.”

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