May 21 Radio Show: Life Coach Deki Fox and Longtime Psychotherapist Ilene Dillon discusses Vulnerability and Emotions. – Emotional Pro
May 20th, 2009
People limit their lives, daily, by avoiding the tender state of vulnerability. They don’t speak up-in boardrooms, bedrooms and with children or friends. They don’t open up—to new experiences, tender moments, even true love. They don’t interact with nature and their world, take time to smell the roses, or be spontaneous. Vulnerability scares us! Come join Ilene and Deki as they talk about fear of loss, exposure and of being hurt, and how that fear affects our ability to be vulnerable and receptive. Anger, joy, empowerment, hurt, jealousy and a host of other emotions also get involved. Join Ilene Dillon and Deki Fox on Full Power Living ( ), May 21, 9 a.m. PST as they delve deeply into this dark, scary and often forbidden area of life!
Deki Fox, B.S.W., Life Coach, is a visionary dedicated to the practical application of Universal Principles. Formally educated in Social Work and Relationship Coaching, with personal study in psychology and cosmology, she assists others to live with an open heart and express their full potential. Brilliant, joyful and deep-thinking, she works in Wisconsin, is mother to three adult children, and is a Cultural Creative who enlivens the possibility of building a world that works for everyone. Ilene Dillon, M.S.W., is committed to helping people everywhere to experience, understand and master their human navigational system–emotions. Host of web-based Full Power Living since 2004, professional speaker, coach and psychotherapist, Ilene has authored 18 published works, including 99 Tips for Mastering Fear and The ABCs of Love: Building Emotional Foundations for Life. Ilene has been living (and teaching countless others how to live) according to Spiritual Principle for nearly 4 decades, now focusing on the development and support of Conscious Families.