Historic Conscious Relationship Virtual Conference Presenter! – Emotional Pro

March 13th, 2009

March 30 through April 3, a historic event occurs on the Internet.  The first-ever Conscious Relationship Virtual Conference is being presented, with over 35 of the world’s top personal growth and relationship experts, such as Jack Canfield, Terry Real, Harville Hendrix, Pat Love, David Snarch, David Richo, Susan Page, Guy Finley, Gay and Katie Hendricks….and Ilene Dillon, M.S.W.!
For a very nominal fee, you can have 1.25 hours with each presenter–and as a registrant, you can also download the MP3 of those you are unable to attend in person!  The conference is also GREEN–virtually NO Carbon Footprint.  You can attend from the comfort of your living room sofa or your office.  Furthermore, this is a fundraiser, with the proceeds being donated to 12 international charities for families and children.
In addition, each presenter and sponsor has prepared for you a Free Bonus, which you can download and keep.  This is a fabulous opportunity to learn more about relationships, the spiritual dynamics in relationships, new advances in how relationships can be permanently improved, etc. 
My session is entitled “Your Emotions as Spiritual Guides in Relationship.”  We’ll be talking about how you can improve your relationship with yourself and others by understanding how emotions work, what your emotions are attempting to tell you, and how your emotions work to teach you exactly what you need to know.  Register TODAY for the Historic Conscious Relationship Summit Virtual Conference!

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