Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous – Emotional Pro

July 26th, 2005

Here’s another take on the issue of overeating. Overeating is a disease and an addiction. Using the 12-step philosophy that addresses issues of mind, body and spirit, people all over the world are losing weight and keeping it off as they work with sponsors, follow clear eating plans, attend meetings and reclaim their mental, emotional and spiritual health and selves.

Segment 1: The Basics

Tammy and Jacquie, both longtime members of Food Addicts in Recovery from Northern California, tell what brought them to the program and how it has helped them change their lives. Tammy capably describes the program. Describing eating as "looking for a way to change the reality I have (that I don’t like)–fast–in order to escape," Jacquie tells of the sadness and grieving that has changed as she has gained control over obsessive eating that led her to weigh over 300 pounds.

Segment 2: Emotions and Addictive Eating

Whether it’s anger, resentment and fear or sadness, mourning and grieving, many different emotions are entangled with obsessive overeating. Participation with sponsors and inserting a spiritual (not religious) dimension of relating to something larger than the self, "helps me look at the bigger picture and get my head out of the stew pot," says Tammy. Learn how this is guided and accomplished through the vehicle of Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous.

Segment 3: Support and Family Issues Related to Weight Loss
Incredibly, initial weight loss and involvement in FA (Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous) can trigger upset with loved ones, who may not be ready for the changes or feel fully informed about what is happening. Tammy tells what has happened in her marriage since joining FA. Jacquie talks about "anonymity" and the 12-step Tradition that reminds members to place principles before personalities.

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