February 26, David & Darlene Steele: Radical Marriage – Emotional Pro
February 26th, 2015
February is a month for visiting with some of my favorite people, David Steele among them. A highly successful Singles Coach and author of Conscious Dating, David is joined by his wife, Darlene, to discuss their newest venture, the development and teaching of Radical Marriage. What if your relationship (partnership, marriage) became your greatest adventure? Most couples want excitement, fun, closeness, and love. And we want to create our own path. In marriage, we seek security, yet also want excitement and adventure. Radical Marriage is a model for the next evolution of marriage and is new territory for committed relationships. Bring your partner! Set off for a great new adventure when Full Power Living visits with David and Darlene next Thursday. Click here to visit David and Darlene Steele’s website.