November 28: Thanksgiving, No show this week. Enjoy and Be Grateful! – Emotional Pro

October 31st, 2013

A couple years ago, I discovered I was actually born on the first modern-day Thanksgiving Day in the US (1942). Wow. What a discovery! I began treasuring Thanksgiving even more than ever. My family and I will be enjoying a long and satisfying hike, a fabulous turkey dinner, and board games served with homemade pies and ice cream with my family friends, Rich and Marty Friesen, who began this tradition 30 years ago when they invited a Single Mom (me) and her two kids to be part of their family. Our kids have now grown up. They bring their kids—and friends, siblings, new partners, and lots and lots of dogs! Amazingly, we all love dogs. 

This is the kind of tradition I hope everyone has. People sharing, loving and enjoying the day, grateful for all they have, the love that is in their lives, and the friends and family who have been a part of their lives for years. Here’s hoping you enjoy the chaos, the extra food, and the hugs and smiles you encounter on this special day.

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