Archive for July, 2016

Aug 4, Toni Greene: Near Death Experiences & Life After Death – Emotional Pro

July 29th, 2016

Aug 4, Toni Greene:  Near Death Experiences & Life After Death What’s Death Like; and What Comes After? I recently was invited to attend a program in a comedy club that featured a psychic offering messages from loved ones who had died! The psychic was the genuine article. She worked hard to help those on “the…

John James Grief Recovery From Today's Many Losses – Emotional Pro

July 28th, 2016

How Much Grief Can We Take? Not only do we have a rapidly-changing world, requiring us to “let go of the old” with great frequency, but we also encounter personal losses–of people, places, pets and dreams. Add to that that our entire world is undergoing change at a very rapid pace, and you’ll understand that grief…

Carla Van Ray Healing From Abuse – Emotional Pro

July 21st, 2016

We expect people who have been abused, either in childhood or later in their adult lives, to carry anger, scars and pain for the rest of their lives. But abuse can be healed! It’s not actually easy to heal abuse when we are confined to our everyday world, because it’s difficult to see why such…

July 14, Maureen St. Germain: Your Higher Self Connection – Emotional Pro

July 14th, 2016

July 14, Maureen St. Germain: Your Higher Self Connection We are, as we all know, in a time of tremendous change and transformation. As a group, we humans are ascending; and our reality is changing. What we have done in the past is no longer working. In addition to changing things on a day-to-day basis,…

July 7, Michael Charles, MD: Too Big to Hide; Too Dark to Blend In – Emotional Pro

July 7th, 2016

40 years in the making, this week’s guest, Dr. Mike Charles, follows the fictional form to offer the world a coming of age story that will resonate with anyone fascinated by the implications of the sweeping social changes of the 60’s and 70’s. How does a highly intelligent, well-educated young African-American make his way in…

June 30, Roger Lucas, DDS: More Chocolate, No Cavities (for Kids!) – Emotional Pro

July 1st, 2016

I’ll bet you—like most of us—believe that cavities kids get are caused by sugar! “Not so,” says my guest for this week, Seattle-based Dr. Roger Lucas. Tooth decay in the young children of the US has become, over the past 30 years, a public health crisis. Dr. Roger Lucas, DDS, has created a new way…