Archive for the 'Peace' Category
Aug 18, Andria Corso, Fear to Flow: Life Unfolding Perfectly Stress is a very big part of modern life. Stress, we are told, comes from the constant (or near-constant) stimulation of our fear response. The fear response can be triggered through our own imagination: most of the anxiety and fear with which we live every…
Ilene in Emotions, Fear, Health, Joy, Life, Peace, Relationships
Are you like the millions of people who go through their daily lives choked with emotions, which they attempt to push down in order to accomplish those lives? This causes what our FPL guest this week refers to as “emotional mud.” Pinckley says that too many us are “clogged with fear, frustration, anger, anxiety, hurt…
Ilene in Emotions, Everyday Life, Family, Health, Joy, Life, Peace
How Much Grief Can We Take? Not only do we have a rapidly-changing world, requiring us to “let go of the old” with great frequency, but we also encounter personal losses–of people, places, pets and dreams. Add to that that our entire world is undergoing change at a very rapid pace, and you’ll understand that grief…
Ilene in Children, Death, Emotions, Everyday Life, Family, Fear, Forgiveness, Freedom, Grief, Healing, Health, Joy, Life, Love, Marriage, Men, Pain Relief, Parenting, Peace, Sadness, Women
Through personal experience, my guest this week, Bryan Hubbard, learned that the ideas he had about who he was were actually leading him to experience his life as meaningless, which led to ten years of on-going depression. Bryan says this can lead people to be depressed, addicted, have mood swings, or get angry with…
Ilene in Anger, Depression, Emotions, Everyday Life, Grief, Joy, Peace
Most people are negatively impacted by Guilt, Shame or Anxiety, which Dr. Peter Breggin calls “negative legacy emotions,” emotions that developed in humans to help us balance our inherent violence and our ability to empathize. We’ve got guilt, shame and anxiety in our genes, he says! Find out how to identify these negative legacy emotions…
Ilene in Anger, Depression, Emotional Health, Emotions, Everyday Life, Fear, Health, Health Freedom, Joy, Peace, Sadness
Fresh from the New York City Fringe Festival, the largest international theater festival in North America. Death Doula Giselle Suarez visits our studios to talk about this “forbidden” topic. Giselle says: “Death is a subject that permeates the life of every single human being and yet is rarely approached, and even more rare, approached in this…
Ilene in Death, Everyday Life, Fear, Joy, Life, Peace, Sadness
I often ask psychotherapy clients in their early 40’s “Did you ever, in your wildest imagination, think your life would turn out to be what it’s been up to now?” In all the years I’ve been asking, I’ve always received a “No.” Hugh Browne, my guest for this week, has created an inspiring and fabulous…
Ilene in Aging, Anger, Emotions, Everyday Life, Fear, Joy, Peace
Camille Minichino, herself a retired physicist, says that “Three characteristics stand out in communications with engineers: they’re troubleshooters, they love numbers, and they love to argue.” Sound like anyone you know? Techies and engineers abound in our society, so likely someone you know fits this description. Perhaps you have trouble “living with” your local engineer,…
Ilene in Everyday Life, Men, Peace, Women
The daughter of pioneering behavioral Child psychologist Sydney W. Bijou, Jude offers the message that all of our problems stem from unexpressed sadness, anger and fear. She further shares that you can turn your life around in fewer than 5 minutes a day, even if you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed! She’s bringing the tools…
Ilene in Anger, Emotional Health, Fear, Joy, Love, Peace, Sadness