Present Memory with Melissa Zollo – Emotional Pro

May 17th, 2005

How easy can it be to create the life you want for yourself? Pretty easy, according to Melissa Zollo, so long as you use your imagination to move you toward your goals, and follow spiritual principles in releasing you from various "traps" you have fallen into since your arrival on this earth. Melissa explores specific spiritual "laws" or principles, tells us how they work, and shows us how to put them to work in our own lives!

Segment 1: How the Discovery and Use of Spiritual Principles Saved Melissa Zollo

In 1992, an "accident" started Melissa Zollo on a 12-year-long recovery–and discovery! In order to get better, she had to revise her internal "blueprint" about health and disease, and get help from "something larger" than herself. This led her to spiritual principles, which she now teaches to others, as the foundation of all that we are and can be. Yet we were not taught the principles, nor how to work with them. She aims to lead people into the limitless place of Conscious Manifestation. Hear her story!

Segment 2: Emotions and Spiritual Principle–Do They Mix or Match?

Zollo says "emotions are worth a fortune," because they show what you believe and where you are enslaved. Once you know these two things, you can move into conscious creativity. Supporting the idea of moving toward what you want to become, Melissa talks about how stuck and blocked emotions offer people an opportunity to shift and get into the present. Since the present is where we have power, that’s the place from which we can create. Melissa describes "solution-based thinking" and why we want to develop it.

Segment 3: Can Spiritual Principles Fail?

Melissa Zollo tells how her father, a chef, taught her that the way to create great food is to use great ingredients and use good tools. She equates that to what we need to do to Consciously Create our own lives. She tells a fascinating story of a family in foreclosure on their home able to turn the situation around within hours by utilizing the Present Memory techniques and approach. As encouragement, Melissa states: "What you seek is seeking you!"

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