Heather Amber Talks About Byron Katie's "The Work" – Emotional Pro

December 14th, 2006

12/14/2006 Thursday 9am to 10am Pacific Time
Most people run their lives on the basis of “shoulds,” a series of thoughts and beliefs that run through their heads during wakefulness. The Work helps people identify their “shoulds” and “should nots,” accept life as it actually is, which in turn frees them to live life joyfully and fully. Learn the simple steps for doing this when Heather Ambler, practitioner of The Work by Byron Katie, tells us the challenges of such simple work!
Segment 1: Confusion Creates the Greatest Pain
“No circumstance,” says Heather Ambler, “causes suffering. Only our thoughts cause us to suffer.” Heather talks about her experience with The Work, describing the direct correlation between the end of joy and the beginning of suffering. “Confusion,” she tells us, results when our ideas of reality is different than reality actually is! She says we can be happy and free regardless of external circumstances or experiences, and tells us how this is done through the use of the “Four Questions” of The Work by Byron Katie.
Segment 2: The Mind’s Job Is To Prove That What it Thinks Is True!
The only cause for suffering is trying to prove to ourselves that the beliefs we hold (which are often at odds with the reality of things) are true, rather than accepting things as they are. Heather talks about the types of issues with which The Work is effective, and under what circumstance it doesn’t work!
Segment 3: Ilene Faces Criticism and A Turnaround Finds Her!
Heather works with host, Ilene Dillon, to go through The Work’s Inquiry process regarding her belief that sometimes her husband thinks she is stupid! Discover how “payoffs” work, how the steps of the inquiry work and follow upon one another, and hear the turnaround that occurs for Ilene as she gets to laughter! Thanks, Heather!

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