Thank you for Signing up! – Emotional Pro

July 29th, 2014

Thank You for Signing Up! 

We’re so delighted you’re giving us the opportunity to have personal contact with you, as well as to give you updates on the incredible shows we create on Full Power Living every week! 

Ilene Dillon, host of Full Power Living, is dedicated to helping all of us “transform ourselves and our world through working with the power of human emotions.” 

Emotions are part of everything! Over the 10+ years of our show, here are some of the people and topics we’ve shared with our listeners: 

               The co-founder of the Katrina Medical Clinic set up in the

               Houston Astrodome, Dr. Kenneth Mattox, told us of the

               amazing thoroughness and love offered through the clinic,

               which they had only 3 days to establish.


               Mariel Hemingway, actress, health advocate, and granddaughter

               of author Ernest Hemingway, talked about how she has learned

               to use and prepare healthy foods as part of helping herself thrive

               in a family riddled with suicide and addiction.


               Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. and his wife, Helen L. Hunt, Ph.D., talked

               about how we are attracted to and select our intimate partners

               and mates.


               Psychology Today editor Hara Marano talked about ideas from

               her research and book, A Nation of Wimps, as we explored how

               modern approaches to parenting are threatening our ability to

               be effective citizens in a democracy.


               Psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin talked about Medication Madness,

               Informing our listeners about the many dangers in taking

               psychiatric medications, particularly on a long-term basis.


               Australian co-founders of Accessing Universal Intelligence group,

               Daniel and Sonja Rechnitzer, revealed how ALL of us now have the

               ability to access ALL-Knowing, through the access of our own Higher

               Self, allowing us to change life patterns, make choices, and even

               talk directly with the soul of our child.


You will get a newsletter twice weekly, informing you of the week’s program, and introducing you to upcoming programs. 

You will also receive periodic newsletters from Full Power Living creator and host, Ilene Dillon, MSW, which will introduce you to opportunities for life-changing courses, new publications, giveaways, and other news. 

Today, please accept this gift of four articles on emotions and relating, yours with our gratitude for having joined Emotional Pro and Full Power Living.


The articles are listed below and they are links to either read-online or download.

a. To read online: left click on the link and a new tab will pop open and you can read it;
b. To download to your computer, right-click on the link and choose where to save it to on your computer:

Anger: Master or Manage?

The Benefits of Relating

Emotional Literacy

Rethinking Emotions


Be sure to check out Ilene’s Course on Ending Co-Dependence posted on Wisdom Window ( Type in “Ending Co-Dependence” to reach the page.FPL-EmP_Logo-Sm 

We look forward to a long and mutually-growth-producing friendship!






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