July 28 Radio Show: Move Your Life from Frozen to Chosen! – Emotional Pro
July 28th, 2011
Are you “awake” yet? Human beings have been coming to full consciousness for some time, now. This means that we are becoming aware that we create our own lives. And we do that NOW, in the present moment. Being aware of what we’re doing in the present moment, therefore, is vital. Find out more about how to do this when Karen Sherman, Ph.D., talks about Mindfulness and The Art of Choice.
Moving from being “reactive” to being “proactive” (and at choice) is important as we become conscious. It IS possible to no longer have your past define your present life! Karen Sherman, Ph.D., says there is a way to create new neural connections so that you are no longer merely reacting. Mindfulness and The Art of Choice: Transform Your Life, her self-help book that offers tools to make a change, based on both her personal journey and her professional knowledge as a psychologist, supports this transition.
Our Guest
Karen Sherman, Ph.D., has been a privately-practicing licensed psychologist in New York State for over 20 years. As a motivational psychologist and marriage counselor, Dr. Sherman has developed Art of Choice workshops and seminars. Her book, Mindfulness and The Art of Choice: Transform Your Life (Winner: Best Personal Growth Book 2009, Walsh Seminar Series), is now available to allow people everywhere to develop the are of making choice. As an expert in relationship counseling, Dr. Sherman is also author of Marriage Magic! Find It, Keep It, and Make It Last. She also serves on the faculties of two colleges on Long Island, New York, where she resides with her husband and two daughters.