Incredible Offers from Ilene – Emotional Pro

March 26th, 2009

Click here to download your “Emotions: Our Human User’s Manual” in PDF format.


Now that you have “Wisdom from 13 Experts on Consciousness and Relationships” and “Emotions:  Our Human User’s Manual,” we want to give you even more!  Look at these two Incredible Special Offers, downloadable NOW for a total of only $6!

#1 Incredible Special $1 Offer for You

In “Guilt and Conscious Relationships Don’t Mix,” we give you an e-article with a solid understanding of why you must choose to give up “doing guilt” in order to conduct your relationships consciously.  In addition to talking about “real” versus “synthetic” emotions, defining what guilt really is, why we experience it and its overall effects, we also give you six things to do in order to turn loose of guilt, and tell you what to do to keep it from accumulating inside of you any more.
This information is nowhere else available. If you are still “doing guilt” in any area of your life, you cannot afford to miss this offer!   It can change your life, your relationships and your levels of satisfaction with yourself!  Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to Begin Living a Guilt-free Life! And all for the low, low, low, low price of $1!



#2 Incredible Special $5 Offer for You

Get a copy of Ilene Dillon’s proprietary method for understanding and dealing with people who manipulate, entitled

“Bouncing Back From Energy Sapping:
Protecting Yourself From Undesirable Energy Loss”

— for the ridiculously low price of only $5!  David Steele reports this information is his favorite.  Ilene presented it on his Conscious Relationships series.  Now you can have the information for your very own, to read, consider, use and change your life!
“Consciousness” implies being conscious in all areas of life.  Do you have people in your life who manipulate (or attempt to manipulate) you?  Most people accept that “everybody manipulates.”  Conscious people don’t!  (They take responsibility, instead!)
Imagine your life free of people who attempt to manipulate you!  Imagine yourself knowing people who may still behave manipulatively, but they don’t attempt to manipulate you!  Imagine yourself free of manipulating yourself into doing things you don’t really want to do!  Sound too good to be true?  It’s not!
For 35 years, Ilene Dillon has been telling people who are ready to be fully Conscious about “Energy Sapping” and the actions of “Energy Vampires.”  It’s an easy-to-understand explanation for lots of things your mother never told you!  For example,
When does manipulation begin?
What role do emotions have in knowing immediately that someone is trying to sap your energy (without your conscious permission)?
Are there styles of manipulation?
What’s the key to ending manipulation in your life, permanently?
The one-word principle that is the KEY to Power
Because we know you as someone ready to be fully conscious, we’re making a very special offer to you, available to you right now!  Ilene Dillon’s e-booklet, “Bouncing Back From Energy-Sapping,” has the answers to all of these questions.  You can get it now at half its usual price.  The information you can get for $5 will change your life, as it has changed hers and the thousands of people to whom she has taught this amazing—and amazingly simple—explanation for a very vexing problem in most people’s lives.
Here’s what people have to say about Ilene’s information on Energy Sapping:
Yes! By all means should you ever want to use my words of praise and appreciation they are yours! I have no problems with you using my name either. Hell….I’m very proud of things I have learned in my time spent with you and our sessions. You can put this one in the mix too…..Nothing was painful, I mean there was no time when I thought, “this is too hard”. – Carole W, nurse, California
I work with manipulation all the time on the job, but I never realized how much of it was involved in my relationship with my boyfriend!  I keep your “Energy Sapping Digest” on my breakfast table, next to the phone, to help me remember what I need to do to get this behavior out of my life!  Thanks! -P.N., California Probation Officer
Your material on Energy Sapping is brilliant!  It has changed my life! – Robert R., CA Homeless Shelter Manager
One-time offer.  Available only while you are on this page.  Order NOW!