December 08 Radio Show: Executive Toughness – Emotional Pro
December 8th, 2011
Director of Mental Training for the recent World Series winning St. Louis Cardinals Dr. Jason Selk, guests on Internet radio’s Full Power Living, Thursday, December 8, 2011. Catapult your own success by discovering how to apply his 100-second mental workout! (9 a.m. PT Full Power Living or iTunes subscription) Toll-free call-in is also available over 800-630-7858.
In times of turmoil and economic struggle, America needs Leaders. One of the top sport psychology consultants in America offers help to people on and off of the playing field. Author of Executive Toughness, The Mental-Training Program to Increase Your Leadership Performance, Dr. Jason Selk takes his wisdom for developing mental fortitude from the baseball diamond to the boardroom. As we move into the “fateful” year of 2012, knowing how to maintain a sharp mental edge is essential knowledge.
Our Guest
Dr. Jason Selk LPC, NCC is a regular contributor to ABC, CBS, ESPN, and NBC radio and television and has been featured in Muscle and Fitness, Shape, and Fitness Magazine. Jason uses his in-depth knowledge and experience of working with the world’s finest athletes, coaches and business leaders to help individuals and organizations outperform their competition. John Ertz, Managing Partner at Northwestern Mutual says “Jason is incredibly engaging and his success fundamentals give you the tools to be successful today and for your entire career. Using the Executive Toughness fundamentals helped propel me from a top 40 managing partner to the top 20 within six months.”