Download 7 Skills – Emotional Pro
January 18th, 2011
Here at Emotional Pro, we are dedicated to helping people rethink emotions, allowing us to turn to our birthright— using emotions as the valuable navigational tools they were designed to be. Each emotion we feel offers us a signal for action, provides an opportunity for learning, and invites to grow as we deal with it. Love signals “come closer.”
Love is both an Art, and a set of Skills. Go through the 7 Skills of Love with 40-year Family Therapist, The Emotional Pro, Ilene Dillon, M.S.W., and Life Coach and Peace Activist Deki Fox (co-hosts of 3 Internet radio programs They discuss how to put the skills into effect so you can express and share love with the people in your life you so want to love (and be loved by!). Find out how to direct your mind to put Love above all else in your daily life, positively transforming your experiences, relationships, success, self-esteem and your satisfaction in life.
7-Skills of Love, Your Free Gift
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BUT WAIT! Don’t go away yet! There’s more great info’ and 2 (two) free Bonus Gifts to download.
Read on, please……
And if you’d like more about emotions, visit where you can download a free list of seven familiar emotions and the signals they provide. On The Store (, you’ll find Ilene’s e-books for parents, such as The ABCs of Love: Building Emotional Foundations for Life, and The ABCs of Anger: Building Emotional Foundations for Life e-booklet, and her Minicourse CDs, 4 Building Blocks of Self-Esteem, Stop Anger Now and Co-Dependence: The Bottom Line.
Ilene is a Relationships Expert on Check out the articles and information waiting for you there!
Bonus Gift #1:Choosing Love As A Way of Life
This powerful piece was included in the anthology, Happiness is a Decision of the Heart, and weaves many powerful life-stories together to demonstrate how choosing love as your focus in life can make even the most challenging times incredible.
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Bonus Gift #2: End Depression and Guilt by Decoding Your Emotions
Depression and Guilt are FORMS of anger. When you know this, you can work effectively with these two emotions and bring yourself to emotional balance. Discover the mechanism that pushes anger to become guilt or depression. Knowing this will allow you to process emotions more quickly, and get to the root of negative experiences more quickly, so your relationships can thrive!
Left-Click to Download Bonus Gift #2 Here
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