The Excitement of Creation – Emotional Pro

March 14th, 2006

I’ve been writing for a few weeks, now. I started with an outline, which I then turned into a series of questions. Finally, I attached key words and concepts to each question and inserted story ideas for illustration. Each day, I aimed to write 10 pages. Some days I have written 20 or more. Today I wrote 9. All I needed to do was take one of the questions, follow the key concepts I had listed, and write out the examples. Doing it this way, I didn’t lose my way as time elapsed. I was even able to take a few days off to participate in my sister’s wedding, without losing my place. Today, I reached the end of my prepared questions. While I have a few more that occurred to me along the way, which I will write about, I’m excited to have achieved my initial goal–write a book, answering each of the questions! The thrill of creativity is great for me. Today, I’m proud of myself!
I’m going to take some time to savor my accomplishment before I go on to considering those other questions I devised, and before I edit. I’ve been very influenced of late by Esther and Jerry Hicks and Abraham, who together have put out two books, “Ask and It is Given” and “The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent.” They contend that the very purpose of our being on earth is to create our desires! While at first it sounded to me a bit like I am here to create my mansion, luxury car and fabulous wardrobe, by reading further I realize they are saying it is not about creating “things,” it is about the JOY we experience when we create our desires! I had a desire to create a book. At this first juncture, where I have actually typed over 200 pages, I feel great JOY. I’ll probably feel even more JOY when the book is published and distributed. In the meantime, we’re heading over to the club to take a swim and have a “pool party” in celebration of today’s accomplishment!
I also finally settled on a title I love: “Born to Learn.” The book is about how things are set up here on the earth, so that we can learn and grow. Even my son, who came up with the name “EmotionalPro” which I use for my business, liked it enough to secure the domain name: “” Watch for the rollout in future months! Living the concepts in this book has changed my life around so much for the better that I am triply excited to be sharing the system with others. It has the potential of saving people lots of misery and time, and giving them an understandable pathway to proceed through their lives. It has been my desire to find out how this is done and share it with others.
I was trained as a Social Worker in the 1960’s, when the emphasis was on becoming a “Change Agent.” I was so messed up, emotionally, at that time I thought it was ridiculous that I should think I knew how to tell people to change so they could have a better life. One day, I decided that if I got myself together and helped one other person in my life, I would consider that I had “done it.” I feel so much more together myself, now. And I think I’ll be able to reach lots more than the one with which I would be satisfied!

One Response to “The Excitement of Creation – Emotional Pro”

  1. sandrar says:

    Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. 🙂 Cheers! Sandra. R.

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