Bounce Back Series – Emotional Pro
March 18th, 2008
These e-books by Ilene are available here.
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The Entire Bounce Back Series – $49.99
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had someone available each day to tell us how to work with those vexing problems of life! The days on which we feel jealous of someone at work, afraid about an upcoming challenge or change, or humiliated from having made a fool of ourselves–these are the days on which we need real advice. And after an argument, it would be great to understand why we got so mad! Even more helpful, how great it would be to know what we need to do to reduce the number of arguments, and the incidents of anger in our life, period! A wise person once said: “Experts don’t write books; people who have things to learn write books!” Ilene Dillon wrote these books. She wrote them about the things she has had to learn to rise up out of the mire of a very challenging childhood into an adult life that is so different that those who know her now barely believe the story of her childhood! The best advice is from somebody who has been there and done that. If you are ready to make change and overcome the challenges of your own life, the books in this series are for you.
Bouncing Back After Anger and Argument – $9.99
Do you know why you argue? When you do argue, do you know what approach to take so that you begin to argue less—or to set things up so that you no longer argue over the same things? If you want to know how to work with arguments you get into, s
o that they lead you to new (and better) ways of interacting, this booklet is for you! Filled with how-to’s and specific techniques, including the “Payoffs” that keep people angry for a lifetime. Learn to use anger and argument to become a better and happier person.
Bouncing Back After Making a Fool of Yourself – $9.99
We’ve all done it! Making a fool of yourself is not uncommon. Knowing what to do to recover and move on with dignity and purpose is! This booklet gives specific steps to follow immediately when you feel you’ve made a fool of yourself, that will lead you to recover quickly and set things up so you actually benefit from your misstep! You’ll want to be prepared for the next time
you cause yourself to feel foolish, and will be encouraged by the great stories of others who have mis-stepped before you!
Bouncing Back from Energy-Sapping: Protecting Yourself from Undesirable Energy Loss – $9.99
Most of the systems for improving self-esteem are complicated. This one is simple—so simple it can be taught to a child, with great results. Included are the 7 Building Blocks of Self-Esteem, which, when used on a daily basis, automatically increase self-esteem and keep it high! The information in this short book can transform your day-to-day existence, illustrating exactly what you need to do to feel good about yourself on an on-going basis. Includes an explanation for why low self-esteem is self-imposed slavery and how to work with “Self-talk” so you give yourself good emotional support.
Bouncing Back from Low Self-Esteem: Up from Slavery – $9.99
Most of the systems for improving self-esteem are complicated. This one is simple—so simple it can be taught to a child, with great results. Included are the 7 Building Blocks of Self-Esteem, which, when used on a daily basis, automatically increase self-esteem and keep it high! The information in this short book can transform your day-to-day existence, illustrating exactly what you need to do to feel good about yourself on an on-going basis. Includes an explanation for why low self-esteem is self-imposed slavery and how to work with “Self-talk” so you give yourself good emotional support.
Why Me? Bouncing Back From Being a Victim – $9.99
Being a victim in life is no fun! Far too many people continue to follow a pattern of being victimized for years and years. This is not necessary! Read the personal experiences and insights of the author (who lived as a victim for nearly 35 years), as well as the specific approaches and techniques for climbing out of this “stance” in life. If you feel victimized at work, in your family, by your children, or by people and institutions with whom you come into contact, this book is for you. It is no longer necessary for you to be victimized in any way. Find out what you can do today—and every day—to change your experience in life!
Jealousy: Bouncing Back From Self-Made Madness – $9.99
Jealousy has destroyed more lives! If you think jealousy needs to be accepted as a normal part of life, or that jealousy “proves love,” this book will help you to change your perception. Jealousy is a very important emotion, but only because it has a message for us that—when followed—will improve our lives. Discover how to use jealousy as the tool it is designed to be. Understand at last how to work with Jealousy so that it takes you to a happier, more powerful place. You’ll learn to welcome jealous feelings, while also not allowing them to stay around very long!