July 26 Radio Show: Integral Parenting – Emotional Pro

July 26th, 2012

How much of your life have you spent “finding” yourself? Many of us (including me, as I have recently started up Raise Incredible Kids) on the planet now are looking at two important questions: 1) can we raise children so that they do not have to get over their childhood? And 2) is it possible to welcome children into this world, to guide and accompany them, in ways that fully support the unfolding and flourishing of their unique gifts and potential, while at the same time enabling them to become a part of and to contribute meaningfully to the greater whole: their family environment, society, the planet, and cosmos? Miriam Martineau guests on this day to explore these questions. Even if you’re not a parent, imagine finding out what you can do to “re-parent yourself” so you don’t keep having to look so hard to find “you”! We welcome your questions and participation. 

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