May 28, Stacey Couch: A Shamanic Journey with Hawks – Emotional Pro

May 28th, 2015

Stacey CouchLife often throws us a curve, especially when we least suspect it. Wildlife biologist Stacey Couch went off to work with a captive breeding program for foxes, and ended up being guided by hawks in what appeared to be an “accidental vision quest” provoked by her isolation. Until she later Stacey Couch Hawks Bookworks with a gifted shamanic guide, Stacey doesn’t realize all that is occurring on a very deep, spiritual level. This week, Stacey shares her story and the depth of what she learned as her immersion in the natural and shamanic world began to create healing, expansion and a newfound sense of joy.

Come go on this amazing journey with me! Here are some of the things you can know after listening to this weeks’ Full Power Living program:How spending time in nature can open us up the unseen realms. The ways shamanism can bring about healing and transformation. What a shamanic journey trance looks and feels like. How spirit animals communicate with us How spirit messages from animals can provide us life-changing guidance; and how easy it is for any of us to access shamanic wisdom. I’m excited to share this with you! Listen this Thursday. Click here to visit Stacey Couch’s website.

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