Farewell to a Dear Friend – Emotional Pro

January 12th, 2009

Today is January 12, 2009, the birthday of my sister, Keriac, who would have turned 68 today if she had lived past 2005.  And today is the day I learned that another dear person, the most recognized and advertised hypnotherapist in the world, Peter C. Siegel, R.H., was recently found dead in his home.  Pete Siegel, irrepressible, enthusiastic, inspirational and warm-hearted Pete Siegel, is no more.  I miss him.
Pete has appeared on Full Power Living more than any other guest.  He was forever sending me e-mails with the outline of a new approach, a new angle, a new idea, asking me to “pick one of these” and schedule him for a show.  We talked about luck, The Formula (for designing your own life), re-defining happiness and the secret to having a great day! 
Pete and I also talked off-air, sharing some of our family background, the things we have learned, and encouraging each other’s efforts to make a living AND make a difference in this world.  He spouted book titles, drawn from his brain after he’d listened to a story I told, encouraging me to write the book.  He chastised me for thinking “too small” for the talents he believed I had.  When his mother died this past Summer, Pete called to talk.  I had planned to meet him in person at the beginning of my trip to the South Pacific in September, but on the day we had scheduled, I learned of the death of another long-time friend, and thought it best not to drive in Los Angeles traffic in my half-attentive state, so I cancelled.  He told me he missed being able to give me a Pete Siegel hug.  Now, I will miss it forever.
Pete Siegel coached athletes, athletic teams, Olympians and CEO’s to Peak Performance.  He interviewed to host his own show on Court Television, worked with Jacquie Jordan as a “Guestpert,” wrote and did his own PR to get on radio and television programs to promote his work–work which was, after all, designed to help people be their very best in this world.  He was disappointed during the Olympics, when the three athletes he coached did not win gold (as they had expected), mostly because of injury. His disappointment was short-lived, as he moved on to the next project to hold up the world.  I called him “irrepressible.”
Pete Siegel, I never met you in person, yet I know your heart and Soul.  This world is better because you were here; and many, many of us miss you sorely now that you are no longer here.  Pete Siegel, thanks for the great legacy you have left me with, the challenge of your voice in my ear encouraging me to believe in myself and let the whole world know what I came to share!

9 Responses to “Farewell to a Dear Friend – Emotional Pro”

  1. Bodhi says:

    Pete Siegel was truley a great man. His wisdom continues to make a profound impact in my life for which i will forever be grateful. Pete, thankyou for being you and sharing your positive energy with the world!

  2. Tom Venuto says:

    Pete Siegel will be missed in many corners of the sports, fitness and personal improvement world, including the body-building community.
    My last conversation with him was captured on audio:
    Tom Venuto

  3. I never met Pete but His book “Super Charged” changed my life. He will be missed.

  4. Thanks for this!
    Pete had been a guest on my show (Conversations Live with Vicki St. Clair) several times and didn’t show for the one early in January. I figured something was wrong because that was not at all like him.
    Very sad … he has impacted many and will most certainly be missed.
    Nice tribute. ~Vicki

  5. Years ago I discovered Pete and began using him as one of my mentors though I never contacted him as I have many of the ones I’ve chosen to learn from to improve my life.
    Pete’s direct in-the-moment energy in helping me – and thousands of people around the world – redirect my life through reconditioning my mind and clearing out the negatives replacing them with affirmations has been absolutely transformational.
    He was one-of-a-kind and a never endinging flow of positive reinforcement, ideas, and a never ending stream of helping people get the best out of themselves. I will be forever indebted. Mike

  6. Very shocked and saddened to hear Pete Siegel has passed.
    Pete was an influencial mentor to me. Even though I will miss our phone calls , his voice and wisdom lives on through his writings and recordings.
    Rest in Peace .

  7. Deborah Griffith says:

    In 1999, I ordered a pre-workout hypnosis cassette from a little ad in Muscle and Fitness magazine. That Peter Segel tape worked more like Creatine than hypnosis! It took me from couch potato to explosive… from tired to unstoppable. Eight years later, I found him again via his website and I was fortunate enough to speak with him on the phone.
    Even though we only spoke once, Peter Segel has a prominent place on my "kindest people ever" list. He was a truly gifted hypnotherapist and coach. I will always remember him as a wellspring of knowledge, inspiration, and empathy. 

  8. MORPH says:

    Hello! I thought I would drop in a quick comment seeing as I have invested the better part of the last 30 minutes reading through your articles. I am often fascinated at the quality of blog commentary that I can come across on the internet by smacking the “I’m Feeling Lucky” option on Google! That’s all from me, I hope you have an excellent week!

  9. stefan Cobleigh says:

    Peter Siegel was one of a kind.

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