May 22 Radio Show: Psychology Today Editor Discusses "A Nation of Wimps" – Emotional Pro

May 22nd, 2008

Listen to the live broadcast of Full Power Living at 9 a.m. PT (every Thursday). CHAT LIVE with Ilene and our guest! Call in, toll free, 1-800-630-7858.
When your child goes (or did go) to college, was he or she prepared to make decisions, handle everyday life situations, negotiate for his or her own good, remain emotionally balanced and focused, and learn from curiosity and self-motivation? If not, you may be contributing to the current “trend” to raise what Editor-at-Large for Psychology Today magazine calls A Nation of Wimps. Hothouse parents raising Teacup kids.
Marano appears on Full Power Living to talk about the long-range effects (devastating) of using invasive methods when raising our children, depriving them of time for free play (like recess), doing homework for them, or putting our children in the position of relieving our own fears or achieving status on our behalf. This is such a “must hear” program! Marano outlines the problem and some great solutions!

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